0-1 month-Nursing and feeding

Holding a newborn baby

A newborn cannot control its head on its own. When you hold it, be sure to prevent its head from shaking from side to side. When holding a newborn, if...

Holding a newborn baby

A newborn cannot control its head on its own. When you hold it, be sure to prevent its head from shaking from side to side. When holding a newborn, if...

Use of pacifier

Many babies enjoy sucking. If the baby wants to suck outside of breast or bottle feeding time, a pacifier can meet his needs (breastfed babies need to wait until the...

Use of pacifier

Many babies enjoy sucking. If the baby wants to suck outside of breast or bottle feeding time, a pacifier can meet his needs (breastfed babies need to wait until the...

Precautions for newborns to go out

Getting outside for some fresh air and a change of scenery can be good for both you and your child. Therefore, when the weather is nice, you can take your...

Precautions for newborns to go out

Getting outside for some fresh air and a change of scenery can be good for both you and your child. Therefore, when the weather is nice, you can take your...

Newborn Bowel Movements

Newborn Bowel Movements Parents need not overly worry whether their newborns have a bowel movement after each feeding or once a week. However, there are two exceptions: if a newborn's...

Newborn Bowel Movements

Newborn Bowel Movements Parents need not overly worry whether their newborns have a bowel movement after each feeding or once a week. However, there are two exceptions: if a newborn's...